Running Open Technology Development Projects


Posted: March 11, 2016 | By: John Scott

Step 7: Announcing

When a project is established and presentable (not perfect), or a significant event such as a major release occurs, tell others who would want to know. If you know of mailing lists where an announcement of your project would be on-topic and of interest, then post there, but be careful to make exactly one post per forum and to direct people to your project’s own forums for follow-up discussion.  If there are related projects (e.g., ones that might likely use it or be impacted by it), be sure to provide them the news, and invite them to post web links to your project website. Post an update on Intellipedia and the DoD Techipedia (this is especially important for OGOTS projects, since it can be difficult to find them if they are not publicly known).  If it is a public OSS project, submit such announcements to freshmeat (

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